Monday, June 4, 2012

How to Increase Your Faith Through Mastermind Group

Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 3 – Faith

Here is what my friend Loddy Micucci in Melbourne, Australia has to say about Faith.

 " You got faith it till you make it" 

Is it possible that sometimes you come across a quote that inspires you to dig deep within yourself and realize what you stand for and how to become the success story you were meant to be. 

Over the last few days I have had this vision of what faith is all about. You know I have always considered faith as something intangible. A mysterious external layer around everything we feel say and do. 

As I am writing this post I feel the inner strength to allow my words to flow. 

It's like I am meant to write and convey this new discovery of mine. My aha moment is that faith is all about the faith I have in myself.

Yes my own ability to rise above self doubt, fear, negativity and the controlling environment that wants to hold me a prisoner from my  greatness. 

The only thing holding you back is yourself. I can hear Michael Dlouhy say it over and over again. 

There it is if you lack faith in yourself to achieve greatness, then you will always be mediocre. 

I have been struggling with this for so long, as long as I can remember. 

It's like it has been part of my psyche in everything that I have tried to do. 

I am amazed that I have achieved anything at all with this mindset. 

Does it come from those loving family members who misguidedly warned me not to aim to high or I might get disappointed.

You know what I think, I would rather get disappointed. 

So the inward journey continues as I build up the faith in myself to live life on my terms.

I feel like a child all over again as I pick myself up after each fall. This time however I want to be left to pick myself up, dust myself off and grow every time I get up. 

I don't want people around me who are going to say be careful you will get hurt. 

Instead I want people to encourage me support me and build up my faith in myself until I to learn to run. Flying is also on the radar.

The strength of this process and the power of this mastermind group has already given me wings.

I thank you all for your contributions. Loddy Micucci, Melbourne Australia.

What is your vision of faith?

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

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To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)