Tuesday, May 15, 2012

10 Biggest M-L-M Marketing Mistakes

Did you know there's no saltwater in saltwater taffy?

Taffy has actually been around for nearly 1000 years. In Atlantic City, back in the 1880s, a lot of shops sprang up when they first put up the boardwalk. One guy sold several things in his shop, including taffy.

One day, the ocean arrived and flooded his shop. Lots of stuff was ruined. But the taffy tasted fine. In a flash of marketing genius, he decided to call it "saltwater taffy."

A lot of great marketing can happen by accident. The "Success in 10 Steps" ebook, so popular to so many M-L-Mers now, was originally titled "The 10 Biggest M-L-M Marketing Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them."

But the focus was wrong. "The 10 biggest M-L-M marketing mistakes" became "Success in 10 Steps."

Aren't you glad? That other title would be much more of a challenge to get into your ads.

Remember, there are only two things in life reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.

If you are serious about learning the secret to making a great extra paycheck from home or taking your business to the next level, then give me a call.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior

Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW”

Monday, May 14, 2012

MLM - Heavy Hitter Guru

If that "heavy hitter guru" you're talking to looks at all like this buckaroo, you may want to re-think the opportunity.

At the end the first chapter of Success In 10 Steps, you'll read the story of Michael Dlouhy going to the lady's ranch in Texas. She invited a number of MLM leaders to her ranch to talk about her new M-L-M company and get feedback from people on her ideas. She wanted their advice.

What happened was, virtually all of them saw an opportunity to benefit themselves. It became about them, not her. Certainly, again, greed & ego reared their ugly heads.

One of the beautiful features of network marketing is a commission structure designed to reward people who help others become successful. That is terrific. However - in MLM, as in any other business, a lot of people will put a lot more focus on their own personal gain than they do in yours. And there's nothing particularly wrong with that. It's pretty much human nature to do what is in your own self-interest. That's how life works.

However - when you are willing to damage someone else in order to satisfy your own greed that is a totally different story. Ethical people will not do that. It's important for your success that you choose people in your life who scrupulously avoid hurting others in their dealings.

And this story Michael tells about his Texas visit features a bunch of people who were not THAT scrupulous group of people. It's a very worthwhile point to make with your prospects, again and again and again. It resonates with them.

I hope you have had time to print it out and read the eBook, "Success In Ten Steps".

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW”

Monday, May 7, 2012

How to Bulletproof Your Income

What if you started building an M-L-M business, and then your company went belly-up? Don't laugh - it has happened to many, many people in this business. What would you do? Would you have to start over from scratch?

Well - NOT if you have strong trusting relationships with your people! If you have taken the time and made the effort to build that steel-ribbed "know, like, & trust," then your people will stick with you. They will follow you to your next company. They will trust in your judgment.

If you haven't built those relationships, your future is very much in doubt. Why take that chance? As you build your team, work hard at getting close to every person in your group. That strategy will pay off for you big-time, whether your current company is around forever or not.

I can help you learn and apply this principle. If you would like to plug into our ongoing, live trainings, then give me a call.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW”