Thursday, August 9, 2012

Proven Formula for Crafting Your Perfect Self-Talk

Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 4 – Auto-Suggestion

Here is what my friend and mentor Ken Klemm had to say about Auto-Suggestion.

Last week we mentioned that ONLY through AUTO-SUGGESTION 
do Thoughts from our Environment enter the programming in our Subconscious Minds. They become part of our Belief Systems and Unconscious Abilities.

There is one other source from which Thoughts can enter our Subconscious directly, bypassing the Conscious mechanism of Self-Talk: The ETHER. There is no hard science on the Ether- we just have enormous evidence that it must exist, like gravity.

We INFLUENCE which Thoughts we receive from the Ether by creating the VIBRATION to ATTRACT those Thoughts.

SELF-TALK sows the seeds in the fertile soil of the Subconscious, and will yield and abundant crop of good food or poison - depending on your selection of seed!

The Proven Formula for Crafting Your Perfect Self-Talk:


Yes, ALL who have followed these steps HONESTLY, and followed through in SAYING the resulting Self-Talk hundreds of times daily, have experienced Positive RESULTS.

The 3 P’s...

Self-Talk must be Personal, Positive, and PRESENT TENSE 
- It’s about YOU, it’s GOOD, and it’s happening NOW.


For Self-Talk to work, it must invoke 3 things: a DEFINITE, DOMINANT DESIRE (Dominant means Most of the Time); a POWERFUL VIBRATION of Emotional FEELING; and an UNSHAKABLE BELIEF.

Step 1: Download and print the PDF at

You’ll notice at the top of the word list are the words, “
Pursuit of Happiness”.

When I was devising this formula, I got a Thought from the Ether that said, “Read the United States Declaration of Independence.” I did, and the words “
Pursuit of Happiness” jumped off the page at me.

When we consider all we DESIRE, does it not all Begin and End with HAPPINESS?


(A note about the Word List: Look, X, Y and Z are tough, okay? I had to totally invent a word for X. Xenophilic means enjoying, loving, being attracted to folks from other places.)

Step 2: Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Close Your eyes. Search back in Your memory for the moment when You felt Your highest EMOTIONAL HIGH.

Maybe it was a first kiss, the exchange of wedding vows, the birth of a child, receiving an award or high honor, winning a contest or drawing, making the winning play in a championship game, receiving Your first pay or bonus check, whatever. We call this a PERFECT MOMENT.

If You have many such moments to choose from, then You are truly blessed. Search Your feelings and pick the strongest.

If You have no such moments, then can You at least IMAGINE one?

Step 3: With Your eyes still closed, relive that moment. Experience the sight, sound, touch, smell and taste of that moment.

Now, experience the Emotional FEELING of that moment. Allow it to soar and lift Your spirit to that ULTIMATE HIGH.

Step 4: CAPTURE that FEELING. Describe it in one, two or three words.

Here is where the Word Lists becomes handy. You might find Your word or words in the list, or the list may lead You to them.

Step 5: Write down the words, “I AM” followed by Your one to three words. (Stick the word “and” in there, if You need it.)

The first two words fulfill the Personal and Present Tense requirement. They also have special meaning to students of the life of Moses.

Your FEELING words fulfill the Positive.

CONGRATULATIONS! This three to six-word phrase is the root of, or a COMPLETE, Self-Talk that is PERFECT for YOU!

Step 6: Test Your Self-Talk.

Does it invoke the requirements for the Law of Attraction?

A. A Definite, Dominant Desire: Because at the root of all we desire is the Pursuit of Happiness, our desired result is to FEEL that way. Even if we have difficulty nailing down a Chief Aim, to FEEL GOOD and FEEL MORE OF IT MOST OF THE TIME should be our ROOT GOAL.

B. A Powerful Vibration of Emotional Feeling: Ditto the last paragraph.

C. An Unshakable Belief: You’ve felt this way before. Can You Believe You can Feel it again? Heck, You’re Feeling It NOW!

So, SAY this Self-Talk OUT LOUD as often as You can ALL DAY LONG, and especially as You lay down to sleep!

The Benefits of Your Self-Talk...

Mental Health. The vibrational state of Your Brain and Mind will induce the flow of Inspiration, Imagination and Attraction. Most of what and whom You Attract into Your life will sustain and enhance Your GOOD FEELINGS.

Physical Health. There is overwhelming evidence that Strong Positive Feelings improve the performance of Your Digestive System. A healthy digestive system is the root of healthy systems throughout Your body. 

Whereas negative feelings hinder the functioning of Your Digestive system - leading to headaches at first, then eventually other ailments and diseases.

Optional Steps...

Step 7: Add Your immediate or primary business or personal GOAL to Your Self-Talk, and add a few words to describe, in general, what You will GIVE in order to achieve it. Remember to use Present Tense words.

Step 8: Test Your revised Self-Talk. SAY it OUT LOUD as often as You can ALL DAY LONG.

If, after saying it hundreds of times, You experience mostly negative feelings such as Fear, Dread, Doubt or Disbelief, then You need to go back and adjust Step 7.

Lack of BELIEF erects a barrier which blocks the flow of POSITIVE VIBRATIONS.

P.S. Another method to induce Good Mental and Physical Health is LAUGHTER - good, hearty, robust laughter! I don’t mean texting “roflol”, I mean actually rolling on floor LAUGHING OUT LOUD! (You can omit the rolling on floor part, it’s not necessary.)

If You cannot think of something sufficiently funny, then look in the mirror. If that doesn’t help, then just force a good laugh. Even forced laughter is good.

Napoleon Hill recommended a recording by Spike Jones and His City Slickers. It contains no jokes, so it will not offend anyone. You can listen to it anytime or download the MP3 at:

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Here is my call to action, please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to Increase Your Faith Through Mastermind Group

Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 3 – Faith

Here is what my friend Loddy Micucci in Melbourne, Australia has to say about Faith.

 " You got faith it till you make it" 

Is it possible that sometimes you come across a quote that inspires you to dig deep within yourself and realize what you stand for and how to become the success story you were meant to be. 

Over the last few days I have had this vision of what faith is all about. You know I have always considered faith as something intangible. A mysterious external layer around everything we feel say and do. 

As I am writing this post I feel the inner strength to allow my words to flow. 

It's like I am meant to write and convey this new discovery of mine. My aha moment is that faith is all about the faith I have in myself.

Yes my own ability to rise above self doubt, fear, negativity and the controlling environment that wants to hold me a prisoner from my  greatness. 

The only thing holding you back is yourself. I can hear Michael Dlouhy say it over and over again. 

There it is if you lack faith in yourself to achieve greatness, then you will always be mediocre. 

I have been struggling with this for so long, as long as I can remember. 

It's like it has been part of my psyche in everything that I have tried to do. 

I am amazed that I have achieved anything at all with this mindset. 

Does it come from those loving family members who misguidedly warned me not to aim to high or I might get disappointed.

You know what I think, I would rather get disappointed. 

So the inward journey continues as I build up the faith in myself to live life on my terms.

I feel like a child all over again as I pick myself up after each fall. This time however I want to be left to pick myself up, dust myself off and grow every time I get up. 

I don't want people around me who are going to say be careful you will get hurt. 

Instead I want people to encourage me support me and build up my faith in myself until I to learn to run. Flying is also on the radar.

The strength of this process and the power of this mastermind group has already given me wings.

I thank you all for your contributions. Loddy Micucci, Melbourne Australia.

What is your vision of faith?

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Here is my call to action, please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

10 Biggest M-L-M Marketing Mistakes

Did you know there's no saltwater in saltwater taffy?

Taffy has actually been around for nearly 1000 years. In Atlantic City, back in the 1880s, a lot of shops sprang up when they first put up the boardwalk. One guy sold several things in his shop, including taffy.

One day, the ocean arrived and flooded his shop. Lots of stuff was ruined. But the taffy tasted fine. In a flash of marketing genius, he decided to call it "saltwater taffy."

A lot of great marketing can happen by accident. The "Success in 10 Steps" ebook, so popular to so many M-L-Mers now, was originally titled "The 10 Biggest M-L-M Marketing Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them."

But the focus was wrong. "The 10 biggest M-L-M marketing mistakes" became "Success in 10 Steps."

Aren't you glad? That other title would be much more of a challenge to get into your ads.

Remember, there are only two things in life reasons and results. The first one doesn't count.

If you are serious about learning the secret to making a great extra paycheck from home or taking your business to the next level, then give me a call.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior

Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW”

Monday, May 14, 2012

MLM - Heavy Hitter Guru

If that "heavy hitter guru" you're talking to looks at all like this buckaroo, you may want to re-think the opportunity.

At the end the first chapter of Success In 10 Steps, you'll read the story of Michael Dlouhy going to the lady's ranch in Texas. She invited a number of MLM leaders to her ranch to talk about her new M-L-M company and get feedback from people on her ideas. She wanted their advice.

What happened was, virtually all of them saw an opportunity to benefit themselves. It became about them, not her. Certainly, again, greed & ego reared their ugly heads.

One of the beautiful features of network marketing is a commission structure designed to reward people who help others become successful. That is terrific. However - in MLM, as in any other business, a lot of people will put a lot more focus on their own personal gain than they do in yours. And there's nothing particularly wrong with that. It's pretty much human nature to do what is in your own self-interest. That's how life works.

However - when you are willing to damage someone else in order to satisfy your own greed that is a totally different story. Ethical people will not do that. It's important for your success that you choose people in your life who scrupulously avoid hurting others in their dealings.

And this story Michael tells about his Texas visit features a bunch of people who were not THAT scrupulous group of people. It's a very worthwhile point to make with your prospects, again and again and again. It resonates with them.

I hope you have had time to print it out and read the eBook, "Success In Ten Steps".

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW”

Monday, May 7, 2012

How to Bulletproof Your Income

What if you started building an M-L-M business, and then your company went belly-up? Don't laugh - it has happened to many, many people in this business. What would you do? Would you have to start over from scratch?

Well - NOT if you have strong trusting relationships with your people! If you have taken the time and made the effort to build that steel-ribbed "know, like, & trust," then your people will stick with you. They will follow you to your next company. They will trust in your judgment.

If you haven't built those relationships, your future is very much in doubt. Why take that chance? As you build your team, work hard at getting close to every person in your group. That strategy will pay off for you big-time, whether your current company is around forever or not.

I can help you learn and apply this principle. If you would like to plug into our ongoing, live trainings, then give me a call.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW”


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to Apply Your Burning Desire and Get To Your Dreams

Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 2 – Desire 

Mr. Barnes had a Burning Desire to become a business associate with Mr. Edison.  One of my desired is to be financial free.

As I continued to read and ponder this lesson, my mind goes into these deep questions? Do I see myself as a Tramp or as a Queen in my thoughts, words and action? Am I using my imagination with faith to become all that God created me to be or am I deceiving myself? 

Do I have a definite desire to reach my goals? Yes, I have this and more. I’m also applying my daily activities and I do have a proven system to reach my goals.

Do I desire the Queen position to be placed on a high throne and have others to wait on me?  No, No, I desire this position for the benefit of showing myself and others that I’ve been through the fire and never gave up on my dreams.  I want to be the example for my children and grandchildren to never give up on their dreams.

Why do I find myself in a place of lack?  When I know that my supply comes from God.  If my Father owns everything, then why do I feel so undeserving of his goodness?  Well, I just realize that my heart (not the pumping one) but my real heart and my thoughts are not connecting at this moment. 

So then what will I do? What would you do with your goals and dreams?

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Here is my call to action, please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MLM - Your Best Prospects

What types of Business Partners are YOU looking for in your Home Business?

When you look to find new business partners in a cold market, you should ONLY ever focus on people actively looking to make money from home. It is a waste of your time to pursue anybody who has not recently demonstrated that desire.

OK. Let's divide "people who want to make money from home" into 2 categories:

      1.       Those who have experience in M-L-M.
      2.       Those who don't.

For a lot of reasons, the "Success in 10 Steps" ebook is targeted to group #1. The book addresses their specific frustrations. This is a group you do not have to explain M-L-M to - they already understand the concept. (And sometimes, the idea of and the reason for seeking "residual income" isn't that easy for people to get.)

You could come up with a lot of other reasons, but the bottom line is that group #1 is just a lot more targeted. There are millions of names in that group, and 99% of them want help."Success in 10 Steps" is written for them. When they read it, they identify with Michael's story. It's a great tool for you, because it creates people who want to talk with you to get more details.

To build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you do that for them, and for yourself.

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Think and Grow Rich – Thought are Things

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Mr. Barnes did not give up hope that he was going to be a business associate with Mr. Edison.  When Michael Dlouhy said that we have to become the leader that others will follow, he did not say that it will take one year or two years. 

Well, only you can decide how long it will take for you, because you are the only one that are allowing all those negative thoughts to hold you back.  Asked yourself these questions? 

Am I willing to stop programming my mind with negative thoughts and replaced them with the positive thoughts? 

Am I willing to do my meditation, say my self-talk, read books and listen to CD's that will keep me inspired and empowered me to grow my success and wealth. 

Am I willing to STOP listening and/or stay away from my negative friends and families?

Remember that your purpose for joining a Network Marketing and/or MLM Company is not so much about the financial freedom that you will gain, but the knowledge and the friendships that you will gain in the process of reaching your dreams.

According to Mr. Henley, since YOU are the master of YOU Fate, YOU are the Captain of your Soul, then YOU can tell yourself that being a Network Marketer is your Fate, because you have the power to controlled your thoughts. 

I like this phrase “Success comes to those who becomes success conscious”.

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Here is my call to action, please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Network Marketing – Why Applied Knowledge Is Power?

Why Applied Knowledge Is Power?

Let me ask you a few questions - How many books, tapes, and seminars have you gained knowledge from?

How many of those have you actually gone out and applied the principles you learned? Most people have attempted a few items, but the biggest challenge is many of the trainers out there are teaching things that are hard for people to apply.

What do you focus your energy on? What should you just totally ignore? What if you ignore the good stuff and focus on the wrong stuff? That could be a total disaster.

A lot of people say that knowledge is power. That's wrong. The power only comes from applied knowledge with true focus. 

Here is what my friend and mentor Don Standard shares on how he learned this concept through Success in Ten Steps. To read his story:

Are you ready to understand the power of focus?

Are you ready to plug into some of the most cutting edge training that isn't being taught by most of the leaders in the industry yet is causing those who apply this knowledge to reach new levels of success?

Success in Ten Steps is truly a book for those who really believe they deserve success. If so, then give me a call.

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
Live As If This Is All There Is “NOW
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

MLM Prospect - But Employee Mindset

I saw a comment from a successful internet marketer this week that I think is very important to consistently remind yourself of.

Almost everybody we talk to about network marketing is an employee. They come from an employee mindset. Very few are actually business owners.

The employee mindset is: "OK. I really want to be successful on my own. I don't want to have a boss. I want to make more money. What do I do?"

The employee mindset is NOT: "OK. I'm going to work this out for myself and come up with my own business plan."

And the point this guy was making is, the most important word when you are talking to a prospect is "system."

Let me repeat that. Heck, let me SCREAM that.



You've got to give them a step-by-step system. They have to see a system that can work for them. You have to show them how it has worked for others, and you have to show them, step-by-step, exactly what they will do with it.

But it's more than just that. Your prospect not only has the opportunity to use a system that is tested and proven to work, but they also have the opportunity to talk to their prospects about that tested, proven system - which every prospect needs and wants. It's really important. That is exactly what this guy is talking about.

You need to hammer prospects about the system. I mean, REALLY hammer them on this. Most prospects think, "Oh, this company has a great product. That's what I need." Or, "Oh, I'm personally sponsored by the heavy hitter. That's what I need." Or, "It's been proven that this compensation plan pays out 80%, and over 90% of the people who use it are successful."


Most prospects need to use the Success in 10 Steps ebook to have success, but some won't. Everybody knows that a new person needs a tested, proven system to start with. If you can find a better, tested proven system, fine. We've used this one for 4 years, and it constantly produces the targeted leads we want.

That's what those with the "employee mindset" need more than anything - good prospects to talk to. Just getting a few really targeted prospects a week can change their lives.

System? Yes. Use it. And talk to your prospects about it. Believe me, they know they need it.

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Here is my call to action, please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MLM Marketing System – How to Create Long Term Viability?

Ask yourself the right questions to create long term viability in building your Network Marketing and/or MLM Business is the key to success.

How many programs have you been in that seemed to vanish and you woke up holding the ashes of your dreams? Many people are asking themselves, it is possible to build this once and have it pay me for the rest of my life. Yes and even pay my children and children's children.

Almost sounds too good to be true. Yet there are a few in this industry who are finding that if you use the right marketing approach that this is more the norm and not the exception.

Ask yourself how many more times you want to build it? Three? Four? Five? Any more than once is one time too many. I hope you have taken the time to download and read Success In Ten Steps

Long term viability does not have to be a pipe dream. It can be a reality in your life. If you would like more information to discover how to create long term viability in your business give me a call.

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

MLM Opportunity – STOP Selling Your Business Opportunity

The reason why you should STOP Selling Your MLM Opportunity because you will Never Get Rich Selling a MLM Opportunity.

In today's market, you cannot build a long-term successful MLM business by selling the opportunity. Even if you are a superstar salesperson, the fact is - over 90% of everyone else is not. They hate sales. And they will not be able to sell the opportunity, no matter how much sales training and other courses you may give them, so they will disappear.

Give them a TOOL that WILL solve the problem.  

So, when you advertise the ebook, your target "frustrated MLMers" market will download it. Many will see themselves and their own story in the book, and they will want to talk about it.

It's easy to build relationships with the people who identify with this book. No selling necessary. As you build relationships, you build your network. Bring value into their lives, and some of them will want to work with you. Then just tell them their options and let them decide.

Remember, there are only two things in life reasons and results. The first one doesn't count. To build your own big income in MLM, the people you sponsor will need a constant stream of hot prospects. I can help you and your team to build a long-term successful MLM business.

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.
Here is my call to action, please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons.

Thank you in advance for sharing my blog post.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Network Marketing - A Quitter vs. A Finisher


How many times have you started something only to drop it when the first thing didn't go right?
Did you know that people are natural quitters? That's right! They quit their healthy diet, they quit marriages, they quit football teams, they quit bowling teams, they quit jobs, they quit- I think you get the picture.

Here how to be a Finisher?

How can you move from being a quitter to being a finisher? Once you understand what tools and training you need to succeed, you too will be a finisher in everything you do.

Also what will help you achieve your dreams is building strong relationships with people who have similar dreams. 

The eBook is a tool you can use to help people be successful, where before they only experienced failure. That change of direction will mean the world to them, and that is why this eBook is such a powerful tool in building your network marketing business.

If you want to plug into these tools and training and go the extra mile, then go to my website and download the eBook today.

I love your opinion, so please leave me a comment down below with questions, thoughts, or feedback.

Please share this post with your Twitter and Facebook friends by clicking on the share buttons. Thank you in advance for sharing my blog.

To Your Abundant Success,

Berdel Warrior
Network Marketing Coach
"Live As If This Is All There Is” “NOW”
+1-559-338-0494 USA
Skype ID: berdelwarrior (anytime)